Calvary Chapel Kaiserslautern

Join us Sunday Mornings at 1100

Teaching The Village. Reaching The World.

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Save the Date

Harvest Festival: Sun. Oct 20th, 1230pm
Thanksgiving Meal: Thurs. Nov 28th @2pm
Christmas Eve 2024: Dec 24th @ 7pm

Upcoming Events

ministry Opportunities

If you are feeling called by God to serve, click the link below to fill out a Ministry Application.
There are multiple areas available to serve our Church.

Areas to Serve

  • Children's Ministry Teacher
  • Children's Ministry Helper
  • Worship Team
  • Youth Ministry teacher
  • Youth Ministry helper
  • Sound Booth Ministry
  • Website/Facebook Ministry
  • Cleaning Ministry

  • Women's Ministry
  • Men's Ministry
  • Special Events Planning
  • Welcome/Info  Desk
  • Decorations Ministry
  • Café Ministry
  • Administrative/Organization Ministry

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