Being Imitators of God - Ephesians 5:1-2

Being Imitators of God

Growing up, I wanted to be just like my Dad. I saw him as an incredible person who could do no wrong. When I was little and walking behind him, I would try my best to step into each of his footprints, despite my gait and shoe size being much smaller. Children look to their parents be an example, whether the example portrayed is good or bad, children recognize this and will imitate those actions. Children also have the ability to identify inconsistencies in words and actions. 

God sets an example for us to imitate. God provides us with the tools for practical application in our lives. What are we doing in our lives that imitate God’s love? 

Ephesians 5:1-2
1 Therefore be imitators of God, as beloved children. 2 And walk in love, as Christ loved us and gave himself up for us, a fragrant offering and sacrifice to God.

After we set aside our anger and start using edifying words, as seen in chapter 4, Paul calls us to be imitators of God. The word imitator means follower, but I like to view it as someone who is identical or a mirror image of someone. After all, we were created in the image of God, so why shouldn’t we want to imitate His love? As beloved children of God, we are to imitate our Father. Just as our kids want to be like us, we should desire to be like God. We never will become God or be close to being God from our actions, but we should imitate the love God poured out for all of us. Christ is the example we should strive to be like and demonstrate God’s love toward others. He was deemed to be the perfect sacrifice and was a pleasing aroma to God. Since God IS love, we are called to walk in love. Walking is an action and demonstrates a present tense verb. It is continuous because Christ's love for us is never ceasing and is always active. Paul is calling us to action. 

How are we imitating God? What are we doing in our lives that demonstrate our walk with Christ? Are we a sweet aroma or fragrance to God? 

At a recent home Bible study, as we are going through James, a brother in Christ brought up the point of being tested while at work and what our reactions are toward others. Are we acting and saying things that are Christ-like, and are we being an example of Christ to our coworkers? Or are we allowing others to find fault and declare ourselves hypocrites because we are no different than them in our words and actions?

Therefore, let us be imitators of Christ and imitate His love toward others. May our actions and thoughts be a sweet aroma that is pleasing to God. Jesus was the perfect and unblemished sacrifice for our sins, but we should strive to live a life that is filled with holiness. We can do this by spending time with God in pray and reading His Word to gain understanding so that when we live our lives, we become a reflection of Christ.
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